Well the Knicks are "perculating" and not being "over zealous" (Walt Clyde Frasier voice)I just cant hear anyone call Knick games but Clyde.. if your really from NYC then you know what i mean. they have high expectations since the NBA resumed the "Route" 66 game schedule... Which oddly, and this pun is intended, should suit only Oklahoma City.. yeah I said it... I still think the knicks will win the east yeah, that's a bold prediction about as bold as a Clyde suit during Halloween... yup... also those Kobe 7's are fresh... they come with free socks... yellow socks.... Those are scary.. They'll leave Michael J Fox shaking in his MC fly's... Sorry Mike.. well he always.. ah never mind
happy new Year.... and happy no pants day also I was there and I had no pants.... only in NYC ....