Just Watched two interesting HOF speeches (that stands for Hall of Fame).The first one was dy Dennis Rodman.. who was outfitted by Austin Powers.. and Deion "Capain Optimus Prime Time" Sanders Pictured above.. Both were very interesting... Rodman was much more emotional yet sanders was more enthusiastic... they both were great players during their playing careers (Football and Basketball).. Deion in my opinion was the greatest cornerback ever... yeah ever... and as Deion spoke we began to see why.. there were alot of "haters" Deion spoke of..... more so in a general sense.. he called out a lot of people but then when he heard the criticism he though of his mother... so who does he think of when he's happy... his father maybe....overall I though because of them having the floor they can clear the air and Deion did just that.. where Rodman was just thankful to be alive... and he mentioned that many times... to the point to where is he trying to tell us something??? or he just like telling us he shouldn't be here.... to sum up both were emotionally driven.. but on two different spectrum... I really wonder what Kevin Garnett will do when he does his speech... all I can say is he will not need a mic... the whole building will be able to hear him I can guarantee it... yes Sir..