I'm officially "retired" from buying high priced kicks so I was hype when COnverse opened their store right in the heart of Soho my second home ( my second home is really the lower but not to be technical it is in the Area) I ll be back soon i'm equipped for the winter now even though its 54 out. Yes .Sir. 54 . Wow.. I wonder whether Steve Nash looks at his MVp trophies and thinks? Should I Send one to Amare? He's probably on the phone with D'Antoni right now telling him it would be perfect he has a condo in Soho. He could come to the knicks and win a third MVP. A three peat. And A'mare would be an all-star. Because Amare Needs Steve Nash to become a star. He is nothing without Nash. Thats why Steve Nash won 2 MVPs and Amare has zero. he is incomplete without Nash..... I think you get my point. A'mare for MVP........ NYK......
Need a KickStart?
Stores on 540 Broadway i believe if you wannna check it out... Its worth iit even if you don't like cons.......